IQ Air is the fanciest of all the purifiers and has the biggest market share of all the high end air purifiers on the market. Has timers that tell you the life of the filters and how fas the fans spinning. LCD displays pad is nice to thave too.
Their LED on the display changes from green to red when teh filter starts to go bunk. It does ahve a remote control for it. I infused my controller and it was way way more powerful than the output of the cell. I have a coach that will offer a 30 minute consultation with anyone on how to infuse their purifier when you get one of our air purifers. It is easy to under stand but takes about 30 minutes of different ways of explaining it until you get it.

The one thing it lacks is having the auto fan where it jacks the fan speed up higher when it senses there is more dust in the area. It is cool but some of the newer machines Ive tested have this feature. The frame of this brand is not steal nor aluminum but plastic, not the cheap type but abs plastic that many of the play grounds use. It does not fracture and break like normal plastic. They are rated at 3mm thick also. Just like the Aireox, this company is also known for no out gassing of its purifiers. Their is ZERO off gassing.

I would prefer if the casing was aluminum so it could be infused but you can always add the infusions to it after market. Most people don't care about infusing but once you experience it you always want it. On ebay, every 5 minutes one is sold. I used to sell them but there are about a hundred ebay dealers selling them so cheap that they ruiend the market. One guy is selling at 2 bucks over cost.

​Just like the TRAC air purifer, this brand you don't ahve to chang the entire filter set, just the carbon or the hepa or which one needs changing first.

​The IQ air is another super quite air purifier. It does not have the annoying pitch that some of the other brands have. This is partly cuz of the high end ball bearing (stainless steal) bearings. They are known for their balanced motors and fan combo. Some fans get lose over time on other brands and they start sounding loud over time. I have never heard any complaints about the noise of the IQ Air. The sound because of the high end bearing system is not the main sound, it the air you hear blowing. This is probably hte lowest "mechanical" noise air purifier I have tested and the lowest vibrating of them all. The TRACS on the low output probably is the closest in sound to this one but htis one blows much more pure air at a time.

The people that live in apartments will not get complaints from vibrating rooves or from the floors in other rooms on the same floor even when the air flow is jacked up high.

If you want to know if the IQ Air model purifier is the right one for you, take my quiz. They have a lot of different models and we have reviewed each type. Each type is good but make sure you get the right model as it can get confusing on which model to buy when their are so many and different dealers told me to get different ones. After having their residential model someone told me to get the Cleanroom model H13. It was 1799. I thought because it had more filtering to it that it would be better. I called and several people aaid that I should get it and others said to get the 899 dollar model HealthPro Plus. Based on my needs the manufacture said the HealthPro Plus would be fine and anything more would be overkill. The dealer that first aked me what my "budget was" were probably just trying to sell me  more expensive unit because I could afford it. This is why it agrivates me. I never know who is really trying to help me for my intererst or who is trying to just make a sale because they are on commission. I better stop here before I keep rambling.

​With all personal experiences with the IQ air aside, after comparing all the different brand this one sets the bar for all air purifiers to be compared to. Many others come close and have different patents but the bearings and design and all the things that make this one to set the bar is what others cant copy. Its just as high end as you can get. 

PS. if any dealers who don't sell this brand try to tell you that this brand is not good, let me know and I will take it into consderation. It just amuses me to hear their sales pitches. I get a good laugh out of it. Its like the Mercedes dealer telling you that the BMW is not as good and picking out a flaw when its really not a flaw at all but manipulation of the facts to make any opinion sound like a fact. Talk to someone that really knows about motors, fan ratios, wattage, horse power, amperage and how they all relate to each other before just believing someone that tells you this or that one is the best. Take my air purifiier quiz here.
The IQ air is one of my favorite high output purifiers. I bough my first one from They spent about 1 hour on the phone with me the first time after 3 other companies hung up on me because they thought I was prank calling them with all my questions that they thought were unrelated to buying an air purifer. This company sold all of them and based on my need at the time they recommended the Health Pro Plus to me. They are another good source if you have questions about different models. They know the differences.

I have never had a single complaint about the IQ Air brand purifiers.
This brand sets the bar for all air purifiers that I compare to.
For anyone that wants the IQ Air I am referring everyone to They sell the most of IQ Air and is probably one of the largest dealers for them. They also carry the Austin, Aler, and Airgle. They are one of the oldest air purifier websites that have been a dealer longer than 99% of the people I have talked to. A lot people that have called me who have bought IQ Air have bought from them. This is actually how I first heard about them. They are edcuated on all the different brands and really know the industry. They were one of the people that I learned a lot of stuff in the beginning from. I have also asked them to take special care and answer any technical questions anyone might have as they probably know the answers. Thjeir number is 800 806 6674. Please call them until I get my store up and running which will be soon.
...because they sold me the wrong one twice

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