This website is not here to trick you into buying certain brands but instead teach you about the components and engineering types of each type. If you want to see a fake site giving fake five star ratings on the brands they want to sell, you won't find it here.
I need a place to write down my research from studying all of these purifiers and this seemed to be the best place to do it.
It is up to you to finally decide which purifier to get after you study the facts about each type. Since many have been out a while it is easy to find out what people like and don't like about a certain model.

I factor in my research and what other users say about them and try to find out what makes people like them or want to return them. I hope my research on my site can help you choose the right air purifier.

I already know that most people will soon have more questions as they read it over, that is why I try to add to my site constantly as more questions come up.

I know what I say to people is valid based on my own research and is only my opinions. Many people agree with me so I know I am not alone on this. I don't want to waste all of my research on myself that is why I am happy if other people read what I have studied.

If you already have an air purifier and it is not working right for you, please do not call me because you feel bad. I did not make this site to make everyone feel guilty about what they previously bought. But, if you need one and don't have one yet, at least you know you have my support and I will give you the heads up on what to look for.

Most people start from not knowing anything to hearing the sales pitches from sales reps, to buying an air purifier, to using it and finding they bought the wrong size or its expensive to do this or that, and then complaining that they want their money back. When their experiences don't meet the claims of the sales reps or the specs on the internet they complain and want to return it. You really need to be careful. Some charge a pretty hefty restocking fee.

I am not here to tell people the 1st best one, 2nd best, or what's the 3rd best one. These either work or they don't. It's so funny when people want to buy something cheap and they don't get the results they want. Get educated on the types of components and engineering each brand offers. Just because it looks good on paper it might not work where you are.

Beware of sites offering fake review ratings who have some stupid rating system to get people to buy their brand. Who would buy something with a 1 star rating. This is not fair to any brand but theirs and misleading to the consumer who wants an honest review. These reviews always make the one they are "trying" to sell seem the best on their rating scales. A bunch of biased information that is targeted towards naive customers who actually believe this stuff.

I hope you trust my research and know that I will recommend based on actual facts and my research. I feel I am qualified to sell these air purifiers now that I have done my homework and not just a sales rep hired that studied some manual on how to sell their machines. I haven't met anyone personally that has researched except for the sales people I have that I talk to that all say they have the best one. It is different when you are comparing brands with someone that is ONLY trying to sell their brand because, after all, they are sitting at a desk working for that company and they have to sell them in order to keep their job. NOT ME. I have no quotas to meet. My ultimate goal is not to sell a particular brand because I work for them. I am independent and work alone. I review what everyone writes in their air questionnaire they fill out and give my opinions. 

...because they sold me the wrong one twice

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