When I refer to casings, I don't only refer to the enclosure or the outside or frame of the air system. I also refer to the inside components that hold the motors and the fans and filtering parts. Some can be solid on the outside but the inside structure is hidden and can be made poorly without you ever realizing it during the warranty period.

Inside casing also refers to the seals that are or aren't made with precision fitting, the type of gaskets used, which can increase or decrease the noise level and the ability to trap particles under 3 microns.

Some frames cool down quicker so that nothing gets warm and leaches any formaldehyde from the plastic casings. Some frames even are so off-balanced that they vibrate the floor and if you set it by the bed even 5 feet away you can sort of feel the vibration from the purifier. Very annoying when you want peace. I have even heard some stories of air purifiers set in one corner of the room and in the morning they end up on the other side because they vibrate so hard that on slippery hard wood floors they move around. I suggest get a dampening mat.

Different air purifier frames can be made with different gauge thicknesses. Some are made of tin which is cheaper than steal and others are made of high carbon steal. Rarely does someone ask about the gauge or thickness of the frame but when you really research frames you probably would. I did.

Over time, some of the plastic casings can dry out and warp. The last think you want is a warped casing that you have to stick duck tape under it just to keep it balanced on the floor so it won't wobble, similar to how a table warps and wobbles over time.

Cheaper frames usually have the problems with gasket problems. The job of the gasket is to prevent unfiltered air to bypass the filters from spaces in the frame. The cheapest purifiers can have urethane gaskets instead of rubber. Remember, rubber can leach if left in hot climates. Cheaper air filters can filter more air but at the same time can have leaking problems that counteract the job that it is doing. The naive person would think that a very powerful purifier would be doing a great job on the high level but all it could be doing is bypassing air.

Most people buy frames to add longevity to their air purifier and others want more solid frames to absorb sound.

Frame design for air flow direction:
Some air purifiers blow air directly straight up in the air and others blow face out paralell to the ground. Circulation is a problem with many of the purifiers out there. They can change the air a million times in the area near the purifier but 10 feet away the air is stagnant. Some of the purifiers blow the air upward so you can direct air in a circular pattern where the air comes in through the base. Depending on the way the purifier is set up in the room, it will not necessarily do what the specs say. Depending on the way the air flows in can change "air change per hour" rating. If the air is blowing against the wall, then you might not even get half of the quoted air changes per hour quoted by the manufacturer. The purifiers even with lower air changes per hour ratings that are placed correctly can filter more air if placed better.

I will help those that request my help by helping choose the right air purifier based on the answers you choose.
Take my air purifier questionnaire here.

 Plastic housing                            Steel housing
Some people ask me which is the lightest weight purifier I have. Tohers want something that is heavy so it won't vibrate the floor and the heavy guage frame will dampen the sound. A lot of people are worried it will be too heavy to move around and up the stairs. The heavier it is the more EMF it can block also unles the frame has been infused or added infusions to it. The stainless and plastic frames cannot be infused at all. Only added to. 

Some casings block the high pitch noise and the fan noise is a more baritone noise which is more like the white noise coming from outside my psychiatrists office. I don't see him anymore because he said he couldnt help me and I never listen to what he says. He even looked at my site and said it looked like a kid made it. I told him to blame my Engish teachers for not answering all the questions I had and Bill Gates for not having a spell checker on my website design form. I am not an expert on web design nor artistic. I know how to review air purifiers and that should be enough adn if anyone wants to judge my site for flaws in my appearance they can just click the littlle red button and go away.

See noise page here. This will tell you the different types of noises that air purifiers make
...because they sold me the wrong one twice

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