This page can help you come up with your own questions that are not directly developed by reading the manufacturers' websites that create questions in favor of their brand. Who wants ask questions that were planted by them when they know you have limited knowledge in the first place.

I won't EVER buy on the phone the first time I talk to a dealer. They might ask questions about me but do they really care? I have yet to receive a phone call from any rep after the sale unless they are trying to sell me something else. I only ask relevant questions about the product I want. If they start to get too friendly I will hang up. They don't have an interest in me so oh well. They pray on the naive and needy people looking for advise. Whoever is looking for unbiased advise from a salesperson they don't really know yet is just setting themselves up for failure. PLEASE, ONLY TALK ABOUT RELEVANT TOPICS ABOUT THE PURIFIER.

FIVE Things to watch out for from a sales rep.
1. They ask you for your number.
2. Asking what city or state you are living in.
3. Telling you free shipping today only
4. Watch out for special sales, usually a TODAY ONLY SALE,  OR A LIMITED TIME SALE ONLY. (If you check back next week and I won't be surprised if that special sale is still on.
5. Asking yes or no questions instead of open ended questions that requires longer answers.

Please AVOID talking about these things below to a sales rep UNLESS YOU ARE THE ONE TO BRING UP THE TOPIC:

1. Your health issues. If you tell them you have this health issues they will often be the savior and tell you what they have to fix it. After all, you are the one telling them all your heath issues.

​2. Your budget: Within about 2 minutes I often get asked what I do for a living. Can they just ask me what i want to spend or ask me about my air first. What do they care what I do for work to earn money?
3. They ask if I live in a home or an apartment as if this tells them the square footage of what I am trying to purify. They really want to know how much money I am paying to live so they can sell me something more expensive that I don't need. As a rule, most home owners will pay more than people living in apartments. I rarely sell the high end purifiers to those who rent out apartments unless living in big polluted cities.
4. They start talking about life stories and other peoples' stories
5. Your diet. Like they really care about my nutrition.

These are just a few things they talk about to get past the real talk about their flaws that might come up in their air purifiers. They try to sweet talk you so you will jsut trust them to tell you what to get since they are "listening" to you talk.

Also, here are other things to ask:
1. Ask if their motors and components are original technology made by their own factory or bought and just assembled.

2. Find out if their motors are shared with other brands

3. Find out what country their motors are made in. USA motors cost way more. China usually the cheapest.

4. Do they hire people to work and are they stationed at their manufacturing plant. Very important for quality control.

5.  Does the manufacturer own the factory or are they partnering with other factories? Or just buying from another factory they have some part ownership in.

6. Are they USA certified and is their purifier up to USA standards? ETL (this tells you if it is electrical and fire safe and will not catch on fire if left on for long times). (ROHL, this tells me if it ha been tested for off-gassing.

7. Find out how long they have been in business or how many ownerships. Some have been around for years and years but under different owners and employees.

8. Ask for a cretible report on their EMF ratings before you buy. If they don't provide it which they don't have to, you can always buy your own EMF meter and test it. I have EMF meters that I can loan people. If I have one available I can loan it to you with your air purifier and you can send it back when you are done. This is only when I have them. I only have a few so if I don't have one I can put you on my list and will send one when the next one comes in for you.

Also, ask if it is USA made or USA assembled when talking to manufacturers. If assembled, it can be made in the USA but uses components from countries that I do not approve of that use inferior engineering or components. I am very on top of quality controls. If a brand is new I will wait to get feedback on it until I am comfortable selling it. I get approached all the time by companies trying to sell me new brands all the time. I often tell them to sing songs with the little ones just for a minute or two on speaker phone. If they have such little patience that they won't even give me 3 minutes singing a song with them on the phone, how on Earth do I trust they will have patients to handle complaints when people want to return stuff. Sometimes I ask if they can find out their EMF of their purifiers and they say they don't know what I am talking about. Wouldn't you think they would write it down and find out if I am about to become a distributor. Of course they won't. They want me to buy something right now on the phone.
REad the top questions you should ask your air purifier dealer here

If you have a question you can't get the right answers to, make contact. I will do my best to answer.

...because they sold me the wrong one twice

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