Who has the most efficient air purification system? No sir. Not me!

With all of my labor cleaning filters, vaccuming screans, wiping down the plates, I am afraid that it is not that efficient but the trade offs in my health more than outweigh the time I spend cleaning my air once a month. Since I have several of each machine it cuts down on the cleaning per machine. Most people have one or two air systems but when you have more than two less time is needed to clean each as the job gets divided up between all of the systems.

Most people are so lazy that they forget to change the filters and put it off and by that time the filters are so clogged that it harms the air purifier. Neglecting to maintain the purifiers is the biggest reason people have the problems that require them to be sent in for their parts and labor warranty.

When referring to the efficiency of the filters, the most efficient of course is to remove all the wastes in the air. When a company claims their filters remove 99.99% of the particle in the air, what they really mean is that that last .01% is the 1 micron that it cannot capture. If the machine says 99.98% efficiency. That means 2 microns pass on by. These 2 microns might just what is being lodged up in your lungs causing you to want to buy that purifier in the first place. The smallest bugs under 3 microns when multiplied can be just as bad as a bug over 3 microns.

So, if one of these companies tells me it gets rid of 99% of the waste in air. That is not cool because I am not naive like people who haven' researched these. Almost any filter, even the cheapest ones, can get 99% out. This is not 99% fat free ice yogurt. This is stuff in the air that I don't want to breathe. But, it all depends if I have stuff in the air that the 1 micron particles are actually in the air in the first place.

Another thing is, how efficient is the filter at removing the 1 micron particles when the filters start to get clogged and what about when the filters are turned up to their highest setting versus running it on low.

The best air purifiers seem to remove these micron size particles in the air at 100% efficiency and the best of the best will do it on high speeds. Moderate ones will do it at 80% of the efficiency of the best and really cheap ones usually around 50% to 60% at the capacity of the moderate ones. The dirt cheap ones will still do the job but at around 20% to 30% of what the best will do.

It all is about how much air you want to clean in a certain time that is acceptible to you. If you have a huge house and using the best portable purifier it might not be efficient enough but if ar using that same purifier in a small bedroom it can be more than efficient, even overkill.

Many people buy purifiers that are either too small for their room or more efficient than they need. Having one that is too powerful might just be working at high speeds that could do the same job at lower speed since the room is small. Many people jack up their air purifiers on high all day when it is not necessary (over efficiency) and all that is doing is raising their electric bill unless they have those chips you stick on your electric cords and outlets to transmute the power. These chips are very handy. They are known to reduce the power bill by 25%. One manufacturing plant stuck them all over his power meter outside and his electric bill was usually about 30,000 per month and the his bill went down 25%. He did this for a few months and the power people actually changed his meter to a digital meter and that didn't help either. They couldn't figure out why there was so much electricity being used but his bill was lower. He took them off the meter when he knew they were coming out. The chips are only a dollar each and about 300 for the heavier ones put on the meter. They do work. I have taped the chips to all my dishwashers and fridges and it really did lower my bill. They say it is legal as it redirects the electricity. I researched it and never saw anything wrong with using them.

​*** Please note that when I talk about efficiency of removing the micron particles in the air, this has nothing to do with the efficiency to remove chemicals and odors from the air. This is not measured by micron size.

Note: Power Consumption of the different air purifers can range from around 35 watts to 115w or more. If going for higher wattage make sure the purifier pushes more air instead of just being higher wattage becuase it is not as energy efficient.

I have set up my quiz with relevant questions to isolate the best purifier for your needs. There is no hidden agenda. I will help you pick out the purifier based on your air situation in your area as if I was going to live there. Just as thorough as I was when picking out my purifier, I will use all the knowledge I have from my research to help you pick out the best for your air.
You can take my air quiz here.

Note: The Oransi models are the most efficient models I have tested so far. For hte people that are asking which cost the least to run in electricity bills, see this page.

...because they sold me the wrong one twice

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