SCAM - Why do all these shady snakes say their air purifiers are the best? After studying air and 100s of sites I feel like I am Sherlock Holmes busting companies and finding the truth. It makes me wonder how many people fall for these websites, I hope not to many.

I am really only looking for systems that were tested by third parties with true independent research, not some private study out there. My first air system sucked and I learned this afterwards when I knew what to look for. Their sales pitch was convincing and even I was fooled I admit. I ask myself, if all these companies say they have a great air system, why do they have to compete? There are just too many scammers but I know there is the real deal out there and I found it. It was hard and time consuming but it was possible.

Best advice for getting the best air, is knowing the CADR rate. The higher this rate, or the Clean Air Delivery Rate, the more volume of "clean" air blown out of the air purifer. The higher the rate teh faster the room can clean and the faster the filtration of the room is. The rate is not just based on paricle size but pollen, smoke, and dust. It gives a rating for all three. So, don't be afraid to ask the company their CADR rate. The have to have it if they want to state it. The Assoc of home appliance manufactures, a real organization, has come threw and made this available to shady snakes won't get away with decieving people.

If anyone has a problem with anything trying to get the right airpurifer. MakeĀ Contact.

...because they sold me the wrong one twice

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