SCAM - Many people overlook this part who give out their number to every dealer or leave their number on the answering machines of air purifer companies. What happens is that when you give your number out to these dealers they can keep calling you over and over and over and over again. (This is called harassment if you want to know). If you call a air purifier dealer and ask for a price on their brand and then they keep calling you back every other day and then every week, this is a big NO NO in my book.

It is nothing unusual for a store to ask you for your number if they need to look something up but you just have to wait to see what they do after you don't buy on the phone the first time. The funniest thing is when they call you every week with a different sale. Today is the week before Thanksgiving Sale, then it's " a different holiday sale, then it's a Sale because it's their birthday.

Notice how they will keep offer offering lower and lower prices until you finally decide to get one of their purifiers. It's as if they want to pressure you into buying, not sell to you. Most people think they are finally getting a deal when they lower their price. It's as if they play the game of waiting until the store calls them back with a counter-offer that should of been the price in the first place or lower.

...because they sold me the wrong one twice

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