My body needs structured air, not just purified or filtered air. Many people are contacting me and telling me that they have been using an air filter for years and they still are toxic. Many are eating organic and only drink bottled water. They still have issues. Their cells are clogged and the oxygen is not being absorbed into their blood. They still gasp for air when doing activities they could do easily when they were younger. Their vital organs are overly acidic also.

The air in our lungs never recycles 100% when we breath. The air we breath without effort is called Tidal Air. If we purposely take in a deep breath, that air is called Complimentary Air. If you run and get out of breath, you will notice you involuntarily breath in more air, this is called Supplementary Air. We always have some air in our lungs no matter how hard we try to breath it out. This is why our lungs don't freeze in cold weather as the reserve air warms it.

Shortness of Breath:
This is caused from 1 of 3 problems. Fix 1 or more and improvements usually happen. The three are not enough oxygen, toxic air, and lungs that are already degenerated. The lungs can be regenerated and that is the first thing to fix before trying to fix the air. Fix your lungs first! The outer frindges of most lungs in adults are so dormant that reviving them can give that full sense of breath again without struggling for air.

Colds and air purifiers:
How do you know if toxic air is causing your inflammation?
The first sign of inflammation is clogged up sinuses to the point where they can't hold any more mucus. This starts with the first sniffling which people often ignore. This is the acidic wastes stored up in the sinuses which should not be holding so much mucus. This is the first body part that usually reacts to the wastes in the body. We calls this "The Cold". There is too much pressure from mucus in the sinuses and even after trying to blow it all out it gets hardened and is often impossible to get back to normal. It is rare to have an abundance of energy when the sinuses are congested and overflowing.

Unlike eating toxic food that enters into the gut, toxic air poisons the blood in a different way though the lungs. The lungs don't have hydrochloric acid to neutralize the wastes like the stomach. The toxic fumes from pollution and acidic breath from toxic people just build up in the lungs. We shouldn't have to purifier the air like we do but because people are so toxic we don't want to breath in the waste of others. In nature, we never shut our doors and breath other peoples' wastes. Breathing in acidic air from toxic people in my research is worse that breathing in fumes from a big city. Poisoned blood is poisoned blood. So, next time you think you are breathing in germs, you are wrong. Foul air causes the immune deficiencies so we get sick from poisoned blood. A healthy body can tolerate germs. I can.

In nature where there is no pollution, the air is pure. Nature will purify even the most toxic air. Winds from the ocean and even tornados. Tornados stir up the air and get rid of pollution too. Hurricanes and heavy storms purify the air. The sun conditions the air also with the ultra violent rays. Plants also help condition the air. They absorb all the carbon dioxide in the air and assimilate it into oxygen. The purest air comes from the winds from the ocean. There is no pollution far at sea. This air is purified by cosmic rays. The ozone machines will mimic the air coming from the areas where there is high ions in the air, usually at sea or in the open countryside.

Close the freakin window
A lot of families thnk that the windows in polluted areas should stay shut. Well, in big cities, I have to think of it like this. If the purifier is making 6 whole room exchanges per hour and the window is cracked and is giving the room one or two full exchanges per hour, then basically the room is getting 4 exchanges of filtered air. I urge everyone to keep windows cracked to get fresh air into the home.
If the purifier is beside the bed, by not infusing it just makes no sense. Its like having a car but never using the power windows or radio. Some people infuse their fan above their bed and others even.

OFF-GASSING (The tire show)
The two types:
1 - The typ that off gasses from the day you get it
2. The type that off gasses as the material deteriorates over time
The purifiers with gels might not smell right away but they can leach gasses over time. The rubber seals also might not smell but they release chemicals slowly over time,
The extreme is going into a tire store or buying a new car that has the new car scent. The opposite is having the tires where you don't smell it anymore but the off gassing is so slight.
Just like I put over 20 bags of lint from the laundry mat and bags of dust from vacuum repair shops, this time I got brand new tires. The stinkiest ones I could find. Put them in the garage. I even sealed the cracks with duck tape. The garage stunk so bad of tire. Because the tires continue to offgass when new, I did one hour testes with each purifier. In one hour, I came back in and smelled it. I rated each tire smell from 1 to 10. See my video that I did on my youtube channel. It was very interesting to see which got rid of the smell and which didn't.

...because they sold me the wrong one twice

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