I only promote the Hepas that filter down to.3 micron or even lower. This is not considering the air purifier being infused.
My prerequisites for HEPA filters are it  must be seperated from the carbon so you don't have to change both if one is not ready to yet.

The way you know if the filter will hold more of the .3 and lower particles is if it is sealed 100% or at least until it ages. The aging is quicker when the gaskets are form fitted more and snug, and I mean super snug, pressure put on it.

NOte there are some cheap motors that have super high end Hepas but the motors aren't powerful enogh to blow throughthe Hepa filter once its clogged all up. (see my motor page). This is the main reason that the windings in the motor oxidize and the purifier goes wack.

EDGES vs Sharp or smooth edges:
Some comapnies go extremes to design the best Hepa filter. Most of the companies that make the cheap import Hepa filters have the type of edge that starts to fray and rip as it ages. It about 50% of each type on the market. I dont care how good the ball berings are or even if someone spent a lot of money infusing it, if the Hepas are not right for the amount of power running though it because someone is constantly running their purifier on its highest setting, its the customers fault if the Hepa gets bunk, and is not a warranty issue.

The bigger the hepa the better and second most important is the crease type. Dont' get me wrong. The smaller ones with it being 100% sealed can outperform a bigger one in puriity but longevity is the issue. The ones that are bigger cost more but the small ones that need to bechanged out 4 times a year are cheaper. The TRACS brand probably has to be changed out the most but they say they rate them for being 100% sealed during this quarterly time.

NOTE: if they claim it goes down to .03 or lower micron size, and you might be getting a Hepa that ONLY gets to that micron size until the edges deteriorate even if the Hepa is not clogged up yet. I study this stuff. This is another thign that no one bothered to tell me when I first bought my air purifier. I dont blame them. Why would they bring up stuff and spend 2 hours on the phone with 20 people calling in a day if they are not demanding it. Salespeople are paid by the hour and they have a quota usually to make.

When i ask I called one day to see which companies Hepas I was selling and this was before I knew about the extra cost between the no-folded and folded edges, they didnt' even know. They all asked me why I was asking that. It just pisses me off htat even the sales people for a company don't know hardly any of the questions I ask. I kinda under stand becuase its not like the everyday person is gonna call and be like, "yo, how many folds does your Hepa filter have" or whats the gauge thickness of the cabinet.

There are many grades of HEPA air filters. Just so you know, they almost all work at first. A system can have the best HEPA filter but if the motor gets screwed up from too much amperage or it gets off center from poor construction or it leaks over time, then it doesn't matter. O

Also, be aware that there are different grades of HEPA filters. Some are HEPA like and others use original HEPA technology. I will say that based on the customers that call in with HEPA type questions, most residential users call in with a wide range of brands while doctors who call that have them in clinics typically have one of three main brands on the market. 

Please know that if you are trying to filter the neighbors smoke or the germs from sick people in your home and other harmful blood poisons in the air, HEPA filters are NOT what you want. You need to have a quality very active carbon filter. Carbon traps all of those poisons.

If you are sensitive to chemicals please tell me on my quiz. Some of the systems use silicone and other glues that leach chemicals in the air when they get warm. If living in a cold place it is not often noticed. There are actually air purifiers made for people with chemical sensitivies.
I can get those too but not everyone requests them so I don't bring up the topic unless asked.

What I don't like about low quality HEPA type filters:
1. Low quality folds. Some use toxic adhesive materials to seal in the folds. There are many types of adhesive that can be used. Some can cost the manufacturer more than others. The consumer won't know but usually if there is a toxin free adhesive the purifier will usually cost a bit more. Cheap plastic has the highest leaching level while polypropylene has the least leaching. Zero off gassing materials are the most expensive to produce.\

Most of the dust builds up on the prefilters and the main HEPA filter turns gray like it’s supposed to, and the consumer feels satisfied. But, the scammed customer will see the filter and see all the grayness and naive that the finer particles, the most harmful of all, that get lodged in the lungs, are too small for the filter to remove from the air because it is so cheaply made.

Also, even if the filters are good some get by with cheap, toxic adhesives to seal in the folds. Some work great at first but then the chemical vapors come out of the motors when the sealants start to wear. Anyone with a chemical sensitivity will tell you about this smell.

One of the biggest complaints I get on the Hepa filters the noise. At my psychiatrists office he has a white noise machine outside his office. Loud hepa air purifiers sound like that. Their are some really quiet ones but they usually are low end ones that don't push enough air. Many people get 2 or 3 purifiers set on low. If anyone wants to get 3 or more for this reason, I can get much better deals if more than 1 get sent to the same address. If you can get a better price, having 2 set on low is always better than one big one pushing the same amount of air. Always now the decibel level of the filter on the different settings before you buy one.

Note the hepa filters won't trap smoke like the carbon as its a gas but it can only block some of the smoke. and the rest just passes through the filter. Having carbon in the purifier helps eliminate smoke. The micro carbon has the highest surface area/pore size.

Warning: To keep the most longevity of the Hepa, having the home cleaned and dusted is the best thing. I am talking about picking the fridgerator up and getting the dust up and all the food under it from years and years. Some people go to extremes. Some call someone out to clean their entire Air conditioning ducts. They get their couches and draperie and rugs steam cleaned. Move the stoves, take all the food off the shelves and get all the film and dust off.
Some even stop gettign their clothes dry cleaned as this is a big one for chemically sensitive people. This gives off more gasses than anything usually. Also changing out the vaccums (outside tying it) and using Hepa vaccums.

Hepa filters are the way to go unless you dont need to filter anything under 3 microns. The cheap Hepa "like" filters do a good job filtering actually but they just don't go below 3microns.  See my #top 10 complaints page and the sealed airpurifier complaint more in detail. Read my top complaint page here.

The only Hepas I promote are sealed. I do sell the ones that aren not 100 percent sealed. I have done my own testes. Not tests done by manufactures and just reiterating the sales literature on their site. Most of my testing conflicts with most of this anyway.

​The Austin air, for example, is one of my best selling purifiers. The Tracs actually was on of the few that were 100% sealed which is what they are known for. They dont ahve much market awareness since they dont advertise a lot. The Austin air is a great puriifer but if  someone is not searching to get to that bottom micron, then its not as important. The filter expenses to get to that micron level and up front cost is more too so I only recommend a 100% sealed on if its needed. If a person lives in certain areas and not in a big city it will change my recommendation.

See my review on the Austin Air, one of my top 3 selling purifiers on my site. See review here
See my Tracs review, my best selling medium powered 100% quarterly sealed" air purifier. See my Tracs review here.
The Aireox is good but very simple, not fancy switches or digital isplays. See my Aireox review here.
That is my top seller for those that want simplicity.

Note: Even if 99.8% of the purifier is sealed, just that little bit is enough to let air escape when air is being forced through the cracks.

​Please see as many reviews on my site as you ahve time for. I dont want to be in the position and look like a sales person telling someone which one to get. Please learn about the different types. I am not going to do all the leg work and spend an hour on the phone with someone that has not read my site. If someones first question is something like, "which is better, "IQ air or Austin Air" or putting me on the spot. Please read over my site. If someoen makes it easy for me and doesnt demand my time or the people I work with, their time, I am much happier to work out deals that I am known for.

When the air purifie1r is on high the "impact of air can cause the smaller ones to split and crack quicker. The large ones have more surface area and last longer and hold more pollutants. The warm folded Hepas in smaller Hepas is almost mandatory if you want it to last longer.

...because they sold me the wrong one twice

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